Every parent knows that children are prone to respiratory infections.
Halotherapy is 100% natural, safe drug-free solution providing effective long-term relief.
In the salt cave children can play with the salt that’s covering the floor and in the mean time inhale salt particles in the air.
The salt therapy strengthens and protects immuno-biological qualities of children’s respiratory system naturally, without side effects. Halotherapy is safe, effective and pleasant.
IMN salt caves has long time experience in building salt caves from the salt of the Dead Sea in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Czechia and other countries.
A Salt Cave built by INM is a harmony between Nature and Technology. The patented salt walls take on various shapes with impressions of waves where light and sounds of the sea reflect nature.
The GM Group represents IMN and we offering the salt caves to buy or to lease.
For more information
International Sales Manager
Telephone: +32 484 057 399
Email: heleen@saltcaves.eu
Web: www.SaltCaves.eu